Photography – Registration on entry for anyone wishing to engage in zoom or close range photography
Footwear – No outdoors shoes to be worn on the poolside. Swimmers must wear footwear and t-shirt when leaving poolside
Coaches/team manager
Coaches and Team Managers are requested to ensure their swimmers respect the officials and are silent at the start of each heat. Team Managers / Coaches must supervise the warm up of their swimmers.
Event Promotor – Gary Robinson
Any point not covered by these rules will be at the discretion of the organisers and the promoter.
Schedule of Events
Event 1 – 50m Freestyle (Squads)
Event 2 – 25 Fly (Development)
Event 3 – 100m Fly (Squads)
Event 4 – 50m Freestyle (Development)
Event 5 – 200m Backstroke (Squads)
Entry Procedure
Gala date Sunday 30th March 2025
All entries are £3.00 per individual swimmer.
Entries will only be accepted electronically via Club Organiser
Poolside entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Promoter.
Entry closing date 26th March 2025
Payment of entry fees to be made on Club Organiser
Promotors Conditions
This Gala will be held under the following Rules and Conditions: –
The promoter for this event is Mr Gary Robinson.
The galas will be held under Swim England’s Laws & technical rules.
Upon arrival parents/spectators (other than those helping to officiate) should remain within the reception area until the door supervisor allows access to the pool area.
Upon arrival swimmers should proceed directly to the changing area, change, leave the changing area promptly and register their attendance with their team manager. Following registration ALL swimmers should remain seated within the designated team area until called upon to commence warmup.
Swimmer registration will end at the commencement of the warmup period. All swimmers not registered at this time will be withdrawn from the gala.
ALL swimmers must remain seated within the team area throughout the gala. Permission to leave the area must be sought from their team manager.
The one start rule will apply.
Over the top starts may be used at the promoter’s discretion.
Swimmers are requested to remain in the water until asked to leave the pool.
Integrated mixed heats will be swam i.e. swimmers race according to ability rather than age or gender.
Heats will be seeded on PB times or on the advice of Chief Coach.
The pool is 25m long, 4 lanes with anti wave lane ropes.
No outdoors shoes to be worn on the poolside. Footwear must be worn outside the pool area.
Age Groups are 8/9, 10/11, 12/13, 14/OV.
Ages are as at 31st December 2025.
Entries will only be accepted from members of South Holderness Swimming club.
Poolside entries will not normally be accepted, however in exceptional circumstances may be accepted at the discretion of the promoter.
All entry withdrawals must be presented to the recorder before the start of the relevant warm-up of each session.
Coaches and Team Managers are requested to ensure their swimmers respect the officials and are silent at the start of each heat. Team Managers or Coaches must supervise the warm up of their swimmers.
The Referees decision is final.
Entry fee of £3.00 per competitor.
The use of Video and Photography is restricted at all Galas. If you wish to use such equipment at this Gala you must register your name and address with the door steward. This includes mobile phones with camera or video facilities.
The Female category is for birth sex females in accordance with Swim England’s Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Policy. By entering the ‘Female’ category, a swimmer confirms that their birth sex is female.
Any point not covered by these rules will be at the discretion of the organisers and the promoter.
Live Results
Please note these results are unconfirmed and may be subject to change at anytime until the confirmed results are posted.